Friday, October 24, 2008

Evenings of insanity

Every day around 5:30 I start to lose it, Well let me rephrase Landon and I start to lose it. The day is coming to an end and so is my well behaved child. I have been working in the evenings a few days a week and naps seem to be a thing of the past since we are on a new schedule with me leaving in the afternoon. So by 5:30 this is what we look like....

Then at around ten this is what he looks like......

If only this precious, peaceful sleeping child would emerge in the daytime oh how wonderful that would be! Then I wake up.
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I miss you all sooo much! He is so precious. I really do not want to wait until Thanksgiving to see you. Landon needs to see Ma! I love you. Give Landon a BIG juicy KISS from MA!

Amy, Jared, Cadance and Brody said...

I can feel your pain through the picture!

april said...

i hear ya. :) it's right around the time sam gets home that we are all crazy -- and then sam proceeds to tell me we don't need more kids because I cant handle it - then asks why the house isnt clean and dinner isnt made........and i thought i was losing it before he got home ;)

Evans Family said...


Love your stories. Just wondering if you or Wes know of any job openings as an apartment manager in Roseville or Rocklin. Let me know.

Thanks for your time!